The hardest part of running your own business.

In our business journey, the hardest thing we've faced is to "keep going.” Despite doubt, imposter syndrome, copy cats, and uncertainties, we persist.

"Keep going" has been our mantra, resonating through challenges like dealing with damaged stock, navigating COVID-induced shipping hurdles, and facing doubts about our expertise in a new market. We've also weathered stock shortages and the painstaking process of overcoming thousands of damaged packages coming to us via ocean freight.

At the end, we coming back to our 'why' and why we wanted to start this business.  It’s simple, here’s why:

  • The feeling of anxiety experienced when delivering cakes in flimsy boxes, 

  • The inadequacy we felt when delivering a cake in a makeshift box, expecting the customer to be wowed by our cakes 

  • The anxiety we felt waiting to hear if the cake/cupcakes had made it to the end destination in one piece. 

  • We wanted to feel proud of our products and help others feel the same.

When everything goes wrong around us, we always call to our "why" and remember that we do this for everyone who has ever felt inadequate or not enough. It's more than a box; it's a gateway to happiness and feeling good enough about your work and art!

Looking back on our business journey, we see challenges not as roadblocks but as part of the path, shaping our growth. Sometimes, the biggest challenge is just taking one step at a time, persistently chasing the dream that got us started.

If you’re facing a challenge in your life remember the hardest thing to do is “keep going.” Break it down into small steps and keep moving. Each step is a win, a sign of your strength.


Big News! OLBAA has been acquired by the fabulous team at Wholesale Sugar Flowers!


The first year in business: Lessons learned from our startup journey.