Podcast, Season 3 Guest User Podcast, Season 3 Guest User

E18 - Kendra Groves - Keeping your creativity alive when everything around you is so challenging.

Australia, England, Australia, England… Kendra Groves has been bouncing back and forth with her husband between these two distant countries navigating her way through life and baking her way through a lot of it.  

She’s in Manchester now in case you’re wondering.  She’s originally trained in musical theatre and opera, but trying and trying to get somewhere in that industry just proved too difficult against many odds.   The abusive agents, the challenge of being tall, not looking the way you need to be.   It was all too much!

Her passion to be creative has always been there but it wasn’t until she started baking that she realised that she can keep that creativity going and make something of it.   Kendra is so vibrant, always in bright colours no matter what time of year it is, and very bubbly!  Just watch her social media and you’ll instantly see what I’m talking about.  

That personality is very addictive to watch and she has a great knack for keeping you entertained in any video she creates.  While she’s a content creator by night, she still works as a chef during the day.  So balancing it all can be challenging.   How does she do it?  What inspires her to keep going? And does she even have black or grey in her wardrobe?  

Keep listening to find out and hear about Kendra’s inspiring baking journey…

More about Kendra:


This podcast is produced in London and Madrid by OLBAA.

OLBAA makes the best dessert packaging on the market because it's designed by a baker and not by a spreadsheet. From strong and tall cake boxes, to the game-changing tall cupcake boxes, OLBAA loves to innovate the packaging to make bakers' bakes look the best they can be. After all, you've spent hours making all those amazing desserts, why put them in a cheap and flimsy box? Show it off and make a statement with OLBAA.

To find out more, head over to www.olbaa.shop

Sponsorship enquires (starting at as little as £50) and any questions you may have, send them over to info@olbaa.uk

See you next time on My Baking Journey!
-Haf & Rachel

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