Podcast, Season 1 Guest User Podcast, Season 1 Guest User

E08 - Jenne (Posh Little Cakes). Starting a baking business after having to sacrifice a high-profile and successful corporate career.

Hey everyone, listen the person you’re about to hear from in this episode is where Rachel really found the start of her cake inspiration.  I’m talking about Jenne from Posh Little Cakes in Perth, Australia.  

For many of you bakers, your baking career is your second career.  You’ve given up the corporate or day job for one of many reasons and moved into baking.  Jenne did just that.  

This is a story about making that sacrifice of a life as a high flying executive at a large multi-national company.  Kid-free and a travelling the world.  But that all changed when she had to quit.  It took lots of determination, grit, and perseverance to build the cake business and school she has today.  

It’s safe to say making that transition was hugely difficult for an ambitious female where her world was turned upside down.  But to hear the story of how she made it happen is just amazing.   

You’ll hear a bit about Rachel and I in this episode, and also we start off talking about cake stands of all things and oh, and excuse the dog barking.   Hey what can I say? This is us, this is real life, and we’re just happy you’re tuning to hear the journey.  We really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do to….let’s crack on with Jenne from Posh Little Cakes….

Learn more about Jenne here:

This podcast is produced in London and Madrid by OLBAA.

OLBAA makes the best dessert packaging on the market because it's designed by a baker and not by a spreadsheet. From strong and tall cake boxes, to the game-changing tall cupcake boxes, OLBAA loves to innovate the packaging to make bakers' bakes look the best they can be. After all, you've spent hours making all those amazing desserts, why put them in a cheap and flimsy box? Show it off and make a statement with OLBAA.

To find out more, head over to www.olbaa.shop

Sponsorship enquires (starting at as little as £50) and any questions you may have, send them over to info@olbaa.uk

See you next time on My Baking Journey!
-Haf & Rachel

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